The 8 best news reading Mobile apps


reader apps facebook
Released earlier this week, Paper is Facebook's official entry into the news reading arena.
But above and beyond providing the usual batch of curated links organized by subject, it also doubles as a new way to view and interact with your Facebook (FB) feed. The intuitive, gesture-heavy design of the app is not only appealing to the eyes, but offers a glimpse of how more apps will looks and feel in the future.
 Download: iPhone


reader apps flipboard
Flipboard was one of the first news reader apps to pop up in the smartphone/tablet era, and it's still one of the best.
Not only does the app curate the day's news according to subject, but it can also pull links from your social networks or let you enter in your favorite websites. The end result is all the content you want, formatted specifically for your device.
Download: iOS/Android/Windows


reader apps zite
Zite, like Flipboard, curates stories according to the topics you pick.
But taking things one step further, Zite pays close attention to the stories you're engaging with and tries to present you with the stories it thinks you'll like best. (Zite is owned by CNN).
Download: iOS/Android/Windows Phone

Yahoo News Digest

reader apps yahoo
Yahoo News Digest is the fruit of the company's purchase of the news-summarizing app, -- famously created by teen coding phenom Nick D'Aloiso.
Delivering a bundle stories two times a day, at 8 am and 6 am, human editors at Yahoo (YHOO) select the top 9 stories of the moment, feed a collection of links to the app's central brain, and it spits out a summary of those top stories. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful news reading experience on the iPhone.
Download: iPhone


reader apps digg
Digg has been around for years, relying on the participation of its readers to submit links and vote on stories to determine what news is the most important.
But after being acquired by Betaworks a couple of years ago, the company took that central philosophy and made it cleaner and faster. The app is a perfect representation of Digg's evolution during that time.
Download: iOS/Android

Google Play Newsstand

reader apps google
Google Currents is in the process of transitioning into Google Play Newsstand, but the core functionality of both apps is the same.
In essence, Google (GOOG) Play Newsstand does the same exact thing as Flipboard. The one unique aspect of Google Play Newsstand, however, is that it also collects any digital magazine subscriptions you may have and puts them under one roof.
Download: iOS/Android

Safari Saved Links

reader apps apple
Hiding in the bookmarks section of Safari in Apple's (AAPL) mobile iOS software is the option to view a feed of all the links shared by the people you follow on Twitter. It's not flashy, but it's a dead simple way to see what people in your network are talking about at any given moment.


reader apps circa
Circa is different from its rivals, because it has an editorial staff that reports and writes news stories.
But Circa's presentation is built around the concept that you should be consuming relevant chunks of news in a matter of seconds. That's why every story in Circa is composed in a series of bite-sized modules that help you read faster. And if you're interested in a developing narrative, you can choose to follow a larger story in the app and receive notifications when new, related stories arrive.
Download: iPhone/Android

The 8 best news reading Mobile apps The 8 best news reading Mobile apps Reviewed by Information Technology News on 9:41 PM Rating: 5

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